What is a welding bead? [5 important points]


The resultant shape formed during the welding process when molten metal is deposited is called a welding bead. When two pieces of metal are joined together using a welding technique, the molten metal forms a bead as it cools and solidifies, effectively creating a bond between the two pieces.

What is the purpose of temper-bead welding?


The purpose of temper bead welding, particularly in the context of metal plates, is to address and rectify defects in the original weld, especially in thinner plates.

The use of mig welding in temper bead welding helps to create narrow beads and control the torch movements generally speaking, especially when executing the stringer bead in a straight line or in vertical up welding positions to avoid flat bead.

Additionally, using torch movement techniques is crucial for the overhead weave bead, ensuring that the weld puddle and weld toe are properly formed, leading to a structurally sound weld.

What is the function of weld bead?


Melted metal is deposited during the welding procedure to form the fused bead, sometimes referred to as the welding bead or beads.

It serves the crucial function of joining metal pieces together to create a weld joint. Filler metal, which melts and shapes the welding beads as it cools and solidifies, is used to accomplish this.

The properties of the joint bead, including its shape and flatness, are essential for ensuring the integrity and strength of the welded joint.

The choice of filler material and the manipulation of the molten metal during welding are key factors in producing high-quality and durable weld beads.

What is the importance of the size and shape of the weld bead?


The size and shape of the welding bead, in conjunction with torch movements, are vital in various welding processes such as groove welds and fillet welds.

Specifically, torch movements play a crucial role in creating narrow beads and weaving beads, especially when using a TIG torch for the first weld operation.

The use of filler metal or filler material influences the formation of weld beads and ensures complete penetration, allowing the filler metal to form a strong weld link.

Mechanical Strength


The size of the welding beads affects the strength of the weld connection. A larger bead may provide increased strength and load-bearing capacity, while a weaker or narrower bead might compromise the joint’s integrity.

Weld Penetration


The shape of the weld bead influences the depth of penetration into the base metal. Proper penetration ensures a durable and secure bond between the welded pieces.

Stress Distribution


The size and shape of the weld beads impact how stress is distributed across the joint. A well-formed bead can help evenly distribute forces, reducing the likelihood of failure under stress.



In some applications, the appearance of the welding beads on metal plates is important. Ensuring a consistent and uniform bead size and shape can be visually appealing, especially in applications where aesthetics are a consideration.

Control of Heat Input


The size and shape of the weld beads can affect the heat-affected zone and minimize distortion or warping in the bottom metal, which is critical in sensitive applications.

Furthermore, in flat bead welds, tungsten tips, ceramic insulators, and fused pool manipulation all play important roles in producing the necessary bead properties for open groove welds.

Welding techniques


There are numerous different techniques for welding, so let’s look at some variations.

In stick welding, the stick welder, also known as a shielded metal arc welder, is a popular tool due to its portability and ability to perform welds on thick and rusty materials.

It doesn’t typically use a ceramic insulator or tungsten tip, as found in TIG welding. Instead, the flux coating on the electrode protects the weld pool, and it doesn’t require a separate shielding gas.

Regarding “weave beads“, this term could apply to both stick welding and TIG welding. A weave bead is a technique used during welding where the welder moves the welding arc from side to side in a controlled motion.

Weave bead welding is often used in applications such as structural welding and heavy equipment fabrication. One potential drawback of using weave beads is that they can lead to an uneven distribution of heat, which may result in a less uniform weld.

Additionally, if not executed properly, the weave bead technique can increase the likelihood of discontinuities such as lack of fusion or insufficient penetration between the weld and base material.

Stringer Beads. Stringer beads refer to a welding position where the filler metal is deposited in a straight line of narrow bead. This technique is commonly used in various welding processes, such as shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW).

Stick Electrode. This typically refers to the consumable electrode used in shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), commonly known as stick welding.

Welder Settings. include parameters such as current (amperage), voltage, and travel speed, which are set based on the specific procedure for welding, material thickness, and joint configuration. Accurate setting of these parameters is crucial for producing quality welds.

Whip Variation and Whip Motion.: These terms are often associated with the technique of manipulating the welding torch or electrode holder during the welding method. The manipulation of the torch or electrode holder can affect the shape, penetration, and overall quality of the join beads.

Vertical Joint. requires specific techniques and considerations due to the force of gravity affecting the molten fused pool. Welding processes such as shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) often involve vertical welding and specific techniques are used to ensure proper fusion and deposition of the filler metal.

Torch Manipulation. The torch movement technique and the orientation of welding vertically are pivotal factors in regulating heat input, weld shape, and penetration levels throughout the welding process.

A weave bead is a welding tool that involves moving the welding torch or electrode holder in a criss-cross or woven pattern while depositing the fused metal.

Welding mistakes


Several common welding mistakes can occur during the welding method, along with their respective causes and applicable solutions:

Lack of Fusion


Cause. Insufficient heat input or an improper welding method can lead to a lack of fusion between the base metals and the deposited weld iron.

Solution. Increase the welding current or adjust the travel speed to ensure proper penetration and fusion. Proper joint preparation and cleaning can also help improve fusion.



Cause. Excessive heat or incorrect welding or filler metal parameters can cause the formation of grooves or undercuts along the edges of the weld.

Solution. Adjust the welding parameters to achieve a smoother deposition of the weld metal. Ensuring proper weaving techniques and maintaining a consistent travel speed can also help prevent undercutting.



Cause. The presence of moisture, oil, or other contaminants on the base metal, improper shielding gas coverage, or inadequate gas flow can result in the formation of gas pockets or voids in the weld iron.

Solution. Properly clean and prepare the base metal to remove any contaminants. Ensure adequate shielding gas coverage and appropriate gas flow rates. Use proper welding techniques to minimize the formation of porosity.



Cause. Small molten metal droplets that are released from the weld region are known as weld spatters, and they can be caused by an excessive amount of welding current or voltage, an inadequate shielding gas flow, or an inadequate weld junction fit-up.

Solution. Adjust the welding parameters to reduce the spatter by optimizing the current, voltage, and gas flow. Properly fit and prepare the weld coupling to minimize spatter formation.


The article on welding bead techniques and unique aspects provides valuable insights into the varied methods and considerations involved in the method of welding.

The article emphasizes the importance of control in achieving optimal weld bead penetration across different welding methods on metal plates with the application of different filler material variations.

Christian Griffin

Since childhood, I have been fond of metalwork. I believe that this material, despite its strength, could be more malleable, if you know how to work with it correctly. I recently opened my shop where I sell tools for metalwork.

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